
   2023-01-13 besoo110
核心提示:A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon,a distant place modelling is being plain,color harmonious hut,a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!

A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon,a distant place modelling is being plain,color harmonious hut,a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


My home in Qinzhou, she is a beautiful coastal city. If you arein a few years ago, and now once again set foot on this land, you will find, she changed a lot, become more beautiful and more vibrant the. A few years ago, Qinzhou there are many paths muddy, rainy day encounters,,the plot of a pot and a pot of water, it is not going. Whenever I go on the road, next to a vehicle passing, with a total cement bound by flying dirty clothes, accidentally, but also newater. Listen to my mother said that when they go to work, to go through a long dirt road, it is often the water, my mother riding a bike, not to work on very tired. Now, those small muddy roadhas gone missing, a concrete path be straight and open, no longer have to worry about rainy days when the roads are smooth, not hard to ride a bike again. A few years ago, and I, like many of my students, live in a small house, a house and only the highest level of 3,4. The quality of the house is not very good, upstairs downstairs floor from...My home in Qinzhou, she is a beautiful coastal city. If you arein a few years ago, and now once again set foot on this land, you will find, she changed a lot, become more beautiful and more vibrant the. A few years ago, Qinzhou there are many paths muddy, rainy day encounters,,the plot of a pot and a pot of water, it is not going. Whenever I go on the road, next to a vehicle passing, with a total cement bound by flying dirty clothes, accidentally, but also newater. Listen to my mother said that when they go to work, to go through a long dirt road, it is often the water, my mother riding a bike, not to work on very tired. Now, those small muddy roadhas gone missing, a concrete path be straight and open, no longer have to worry about rainy days when the roads are smooth, not hard to ride a bike again. A few years ago, and I, like many of my students, live in a small house, a house and only the highest level of 3,4. The quality of the house is not very good, upstairs downstairs floor from time to time due to water leakage and to make the house dirty ... ... but now, like the springing up of a new building, as built and much, like a giant standing on the same urban area, the only good quality, and very beautiful. Listen to Grandpa said that he was at the end of the fifties to Qinzhou work, the urban area is also very small, very narrow little street, no big shopping malls. Now, Qinzhou urban area has been expanded several times, also from the streets into the hundreds of articles, many street shops, department stores, a connected family, an array of goods inside, very rich, I want to buy anything you can buy really convenient. Very clean and tidy streets, litter free is not the phenomenon, and sanitation workers in the hard work of doing the cleaning ... ... This is not only that people's environmental awareness increased, it is stated that the living standards of people improved. Qinzhou changing, it is also changing. A few years ago, there are a lot of street bikes and motorcycles, cars less. Out the winter, very cold on a motorcycle, very inconvenient. And in recent years, the street cars has grown, where can take a taxi, private cars are also more, travel more convenient, and every holiday can also travel further afield. A few years ago, little Qinzhou attractions, there are friends to the field there is no place to play. Qinzhou but a few years to speed up the development of the tourist attractions grown - such as三娘湾, eight寨沟, Jingyang 72 ... ... these places also changes as time changes,三娘湾said it a few years before there is a small fishing village deserted, but after the construction of the past few years, it has become a national 4A grade tourism area, Chinese and foreign well-known Chinese White Dolphin and the coast of mangrove, beach, stones to attract a large number of tourists . My home in time to change, and say too many ... ...

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